Trading Bots for Crypto and Stocks
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Create Trading Bots, Follow Smart Investors

Catch the next market opportunity and compete with professional traders

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Works with the top 10+
Popular Investment Platforms
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"Coinrule stands out, intuitive and simple to set up"

Create Automated Trading Rules, 24/7

Set custom trading strategies and never miss a new rally or get caught in a dip. Coinrule obsessively seeks out effective market indicators to enable smart allocation of funds while putting you in control of your investment machine.

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Explore The Marketplace

Trade Across Exchanges

Coinrule is a safe platform to define automated strategies on top of your favorite exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, Kucoin, Kraken, etc. We don't ask for private keys or withdrawal rights.

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Create Rules Based on Popular Indicators

Each rule can be set to run as fast as every minute and executes within seconds. New indicators are added every week and announced on our blog.

Trigger actions when market changes Based on clear indicators
No code required As simple as IFTTT
Manage volatility Maximize profits

Estimate Your Cost

How Much Do You Trade Monthly?
Save  $ 50  /mo
Compared to a 1% fee on other trading tools
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Cost Only
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Meet the Founding Team

Gabriele Musella CEO Coinrule
Gabriele Musella
CEO, Product
Oleg Giberstein COO Coinrule
Oleg Giberstein
COO, Growth
Zdenek Hofler CTO Coinrule
Zdeněk Höfler
CTO, Architecture

Supported Exchanges

We integrate with 10+ of the most popular exchanges including

Create Rules Today

Receive trading signals, create automated strategies and manage your portfolio for free.

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Coinrule Webinar with Ruben
Invest in People, Coinrule is Crowdfunding!
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Invest in People, Coinrule is Crowdfunding!

Unlike other companies we raised funds from MKB Bank and Angels. Today we are fundraising again and
You Can Be Part of This Journey.

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Coinrule Webinar with Ruben
Learn How To Automate Trades
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Cell phone with coins coming out of it
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25% Off All Plans!
  1. 1Connect Multiple Exchanges
  2. 2Trade with 14 Rules Simultaneously
  3. 3Access 250+ New Template Strategies
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