Crypto Automated Trading

E-book: Cryptocurrency Trading 101

7 Articles For Navigating The New Crypto Trading Tools. Welcome to Cryptocurrency Trading! Today I am introducing a collection of Medium posts published by the Coinrule team in the past few months. If you are starting to get curious about algorithmic trading and feel the need of automatise your strategy or the simple buy/sell orders, then look no further, this is the read for you. With topics like Cryptocurrency Bots, Decentralised Exchanges, How to Backtest…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Why Algorithms are so important for trading Cryptocurrencies

As we know here at Coinrule, trading is a tough discipline. Algorithms are just one part of cryptocurrency trading which everyone should know about. Once one of the most experienced traders I know told me that becoming a good trader also means becoming a better man. That sounded like quite a forced statement, and maybe it was indeed, but one thing that is 100% certain is that Trading needs attitude, commitment, discipline and a lot of…

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Crypto Automated Trading

A collaborative roadmap

Coinrule is a beginner-friendly platform to send automated trading instructions to your favourite exchanges. Cryptocurrency markets run 24/7, all around the globe, so it’s impossible to fully exploit its potentials without a trading algorithm that takes care of your positions, even when you sleep.  The Coinrule blog is here to engage with the community around our platform and to communicate product releases straight from our product team. Stay Tuned! Coinrule Team

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