Crypto Automated Trading

Silence of the Lambs

Another market cycle with little market movement and another movie reference: in Director Jonathan Demme’s famous ‘The Silence of the Lambs’, the main character is shocked to discover that the ‘silent’ lambs are brought to the slaughterhouse. Markets remain in an unusually quiet ‘wait-and-see’ mode. Bitcoin dominance has failed to break out from a narrow range for nearly a year. Crypto total market cap has barely flinched in 2022. Yet, in the background, dark clouds…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Whitelist Binance IP Addresses

Coinrule is upgrading its server infrastructure. Please update your whitelisted IP Addresses on Binance to continue trading. Please note: After updating your IP addresses, your rules will continue running normally. You do not need to restart your rules. Step 1 – On Coinrule Copy the new IP Addresses from the Exchange page inside Coinrule Step 2 – On Binance Remove all previously added IP addresses from your API Key on Binance. Then copy and paste…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Groundhog Day?

If you are used to fast-moving Crypto markets, 2022 must feel to you like a never-ending groundhog day. After significant moves all the way up to $69k and back down to $30k in 2021, Bitcoin has been trading inside what seems to be a fairly ‘boring’ range between $36k and $48k since the start of 2022. This range-trading could also be observed in the summer of 2021, when markets were experiencing a rather dull period.…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Swinging Twenties

The last two weeks have seen a much welcomed rebound in Crypto markets. Just when total doom and gloom was threatening to take over, no additional rate tightening news from the Federal Reserve and the possibility of a coming resolution of the Russia-Ukraine war seem to have lifted market spirits. The recent announcement by the Luna Foundation that it has purchased more than $1bn of Bitcoin since January to strengthen its reserves has certainly helped as well.…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Proof Of Change

Technological breakthroughs are all about timing. Dropbox famously benefited from launching at the time when the first Smartphones started emerging and suddenly file-syncing between devices started to matter. Virtual Reality is slowly grinding its way towards adoption with new devices coming out. Similarly, Cryptocurrencies emerged at just the right time. In the aftermath of the Financial Crisis of 2008, the trust in traditional financial institutions was damaged whilst loose monetary policies encouraged a generational run-up…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Ponzi Or DeFi?

To casual observers, much of today’s Decentralized Finance (DeFi) might look like a collection of Ponzi Schemes. Projects bootstrap by offering high APYs for their token and design complex systems around them to attract DeFi power users who are rushing in to capture short-term high returns. The high APY leads to more and more tokens being released which in turn destroys the price of the project’s coin and leads to a long decline. This sounds…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Holding The Line

Bear markets are normally the time when traders overreact to any piece of bad news. Events that would barely cause a flinch in a bullish market can drive markets down significantly in a bear. It is therefore somewhat unexpected to watch the resilience of crypto prices over the past days. Despite an ongoing war, the confirmed spectre of incoming Federal Reserve rate hikes and increasing regulatory pressure coming from the US and elsewhere, BTC, ETH…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Trillion Dollar Questions

When the world is on fire, it is not a good time to talk about prices. There are more important things in the world. Those things however go beyond the scope of this newsletter and markets do not sleep. Global markets, whether crypto or equities, have seen major drops over the past 24h as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine kicked off. Crypto’s Market Cap dropped more than 10% within minutes when events first started to unfold.…

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Crypto Automated Trading

Coinrule & OKX Renew Partnership to Provide A Market-Leading Trading Experience

The Crypto market never sleeps and always evolves. So do we. We are working hard every day to deliver to our traders the most powerful options to build profitable automated trading strategies. Choosing the best exchanges is definitely a crucial part of any trading system. Today we are thrilled to announce a new strategic partnership with the OKX exchange. OKX represents a reliable option for crypto traders and is a great trading venue for cryptocurrencies.…

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Crypto Automated Trading

What is a Rug Pull?

Crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi) have garnered massive popularity across the globe over the last two years. The promise for a high return on investment is one of the primary factors that lure people to invest in new coin launches and DeFi projects. Like any other new lucrative technology, the two industries have a fair share of bad actors and scammers who target investors that are not familiar with the industry or just interested in…

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