Crypto Automated Trading

New Advanced Indicators On Coinrule

Technical indicators are the backbone of successful trading strategies, empowering traders to make informed decisions. At Coinrule, we’re dedicated to providing you with the most powerful tools to maximize your potential in the crypto market. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the release of new advanced indicators on our platform! Many beginner traders assume that technical analysis is complex and to some extent, that is probably true. Technical indicators and crypto trading match perfectly with…

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Trading Tips

Future Of Crypto Trading

The world of Cryptocurrency trading is currently undergoing a transformative shift, brought about by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  Beyond being a passing trend, this development shows a sign of a fundamental paradigm shift. AI’s unparalleled ability to swiftly and accurately analyze a lot of datasets gives it a unique advantage in a crypto market marked by high volatility and unpredictability.  In this evolution, AI has now become more than a tool; it is…

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Crypto Automated Trading

A collaborative roadmap

Coinrule is a beginner-friendly platform to send automated trading instructions to your favourite exchanges. Cryptocurrency markets run 24/7, all around the globe, so it’s impossible to fully exploit its potentials without a trading algorithm that takes care of your positions, even when you sleep.  The Coinrule blog is here to engage with the community around our platform and to communicate product releases straight from our product team. Stay Tuned! Coinrule Team

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